Thick Women Are More Loyal
When it comes to dating, there is a stigma that comes along with being plus size: Bigger women only have a limited amount of options when it comes to men therefore they will settle for whatever is handed to them. Whether, you agree with the statement or not, it is something that can be seen in many displays of plus size women in movies and shows. You see the big girl vying over the love of the man that is painted as being “out of her league” and doing anything to get or to keep him. Although this display in the media is prevalent this isn’t really my reality. I have family members and friends that are of size and have never had to chase a man. I myself have been even slightly bigger than I am now yet I have not lacked catching the eye of eligible men. I would be naïve to believe that I would be on everyone’s list, just as not every guy is on mine and that is just a part of having a choice and preference. But when did your outward appearance ever determine the qualities you possess as a person?
This takes me to date that I went on a while back. I met this guy on a night out with some family. He approached me as I was looking for seating and immediately grabbed my left hand checking for a ring. Honestly it was the first time I had been ring checked in my adult life, but this is definitely a part of my protocol when I see someone of interest to me. Anyway, he introduced himself; we conversed the entire night and exchanged numbers. We talked for about a little over a week when he asked to take me out for dinner.
Let me preface this by saying that I was already a little skeptical of this guy. I won’t air the details of his baggage but let’s just say he had one too many bags than I am typically willing to help carry, but he was upfront and seemed genuine so I decided to at least take the date to learn more information. The day came, and I arrived at our agreed time, and that was the beginning of the end for this date. He arrived late, which is an ultimate strike in my book, but I was there and agreed to stay after his apology. We were seated, skimmed our menus and ordered. We started with the pleasantries, asking about each others’ day and started getting more into the details of our lives that we hadn’t covered through the week of talking.
All was fine until we started the inevitable conversation about what we look for in relationships. This conversation is extremely important when it comes to getting to know someone especially if you are in the season of intentional dating. This is really where you see if that initial spark was just that or if it could be more. It is important to know if you and the person are connecting mentally and spiritually. Physical attraction in some way is important as well. As cliché as it is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but we all have certain things that are most pleasing to us when it comes to physicality.
If I am being truly honest I do like to know if they have ever dated a bigger woman before. This is something that I have always inquired about a guy. In my head I always wanted to know if they have ever dated a bigger woman or are attracted to bigger women. I think subconsciously if he never has, sometimes wonder what they want with me, what was it about me that they found attractive. I am training my mind to change this way of thinking. It just not healthy and it simply just does not matter, but its still part of the journey I am working on. I know I have so much to offer someone that my looks are only extra and a person will let you know if they are attracted to you. Besides of all the things that I have been self conscious about over the years, my face has never been one of them.
So back to the date – after getting through the deeper questions I go on to ask what attracts him physically to a woman. He proceeds to name the physical attributes that he likes, finishing his list with his preference for bigger women, which was fine until the next statement was made. “I like dating thicker women because they are more loyal.” It came out so nonchalantly as if it would naturally make sense to me. This really caught me off guard but I had to know more. Most of the guys that I have dated have indeed dated plus size women before, but it was not due to preference of bigger women but just the person that they found attractive. I had never had someone tell me specifically that they prefer dating “thicker” women as he put it, but what was odd to me was the correlation between being thick and being loyal. “What do you mean?” I immediately asked because I needed the background on this. I sat as he told me that bigger women are just more loyal period. They will cook for and take care of their man, stand by his side and won’t give up as easily as smaller women.
Come again sir? Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but this one I just couldn’t get with. There are small and big women that will do the same things. It’s truly the woman’s character which makes her loyal, and she decides how far that loyalty will be extended. I told him that it very well may have been the women that were loyal to him in the past just happened to be bigger; to make such a blanket statement was just unfair. But he was adamant that it was because they were big. Many of the smaller women that he dated, according to him, did not possess the qualities that the bigger women had. I calmly proceeded to my debate my position in the matter. What I gathered from what he indirectly told me was that these women put up with the B.S. he fed them. To sum up that date, I agreed to disagree with his illogical thought process. The encounter only got worse as he decided it was smart to answer his phone multiple times. Needless to say that was the first and last date
Although he was clearly just an man with an immature way of viewing things his statement had me thinking. How many people date off stereotypes such as this? I am not dumb, I know that there are people would agree with this guy, but would you truly date based on the preface that someone with a certain body type or physical features would put up with being treated less than? And if so, what does that say about you that you truly say about you and your insecurities? I also wondered if there were people from my past that felt this way about me. I am a loyal person, loyal to a fault sometimes. I always have been. However if a situation is no longer beneficial to my growth I am learning more each year how to remove those it from my life. At the end of the day who we are outwardly should only shine a light brighter on who we are internally. Let’s start a discussion. Have you ever had a stereotype that was directed towards you that was completely false or ill advised?

Patrice Johnson
I’ve always found friends become the best lovers. This post also reminds me to be thankful I’m not in the dating pool. However, in my marriage, I’ve fit into all the size ranges at some point or another lol
Patience Yemisi
So true! Good friendships can do just as much if not more for you than a luke warm relationship!! And yes the dating pool these days is more of a dried up pond lol!
Denita E. Robinson
As always, very thought provoking. The unfortunate reality is that both men and women draw conclusions that are typically baseless-except for a perceived experience generally by the individual spawning the ideology they now deem ‘law’! Sounds like this guy has drawn that conclusion about big vs little women based on his own scientific theory. The beauty of your story is that you are a wise woman. Beyond that, you are beautiful inside and out. It certainly is his loss, and not yours. In the words of a plus size model friend of mine who embraces her body and travels around the world putting it on display proudly and fashionably- it’s all about seizing the day and moments in time designed with me in mind! In other worlds- ain’t nobody got time for foolishness and settling when the world awaits your greatness through ALL your attributes, and not the shallow physical/exterior ones. So, keep on along your journey of self-discovery, healing, revamped thinking and more. You have so much to offer anyone who steps to you correctly! Until then, enjoy this phase of singlehood and to thine own self be true.
Patience Yemisi
And as always, amazing commentary. It is so shocking that people can have such narrow ways of thinking in this day and age yet we still have such a long way to go. I would love to get the name of your friend to look her up and follow her journey. At the end of the day it’s all about finding the people that feed your soul and make your inner beauty shine on the outside! Thank you so much for the words of wisdom always
Denita E. Robinson
Amen! Thanks for reply. Jessica White is her name. Her Instagram name is whoisjmarie and you’ll see her career as a plus size and tall model. Not sure if Facebook the same. I think she is in New York this week for full figured fashion week.
Patience Yemisi
Going to follow!! Thank you!!
Very good topic! First off, the fact that your date’s reasoning was that bigger women cook and don’t give up as easily…maybe, it’s not the women he chooses, but him. Why is that what his dates/relationship ideas based on?
Secondly, the fact that you wanted to know why he would date a “thicker” woman over a smaller woman is definitely relatable in the sense that I used to think the same way about a guy that I feel chose to date me over a woman with lighter skin. This was something that I thought about well into my 20’s until I realized I was the one being shallow and extremely insecure. That way of thinking was so unhealthy so I can definitely relate.
Lastly, of course we all have been stereotyped, but if the reasoning doesn’t back up the argument, I will laugh and agree to disagree just as you did.
Patience Yemisi
Thank you for sharing! Yes, the body type debate is very much the same as the skin tone struggle. Like you said, it’s really something within ourselves that we have to work out because the person approaches for a reason. It is very unhealthy to subconsciously reject yourself on behalf of the other person. He was definitely the one that had issues here lol. I appreciate you commenting!!!
I’m late reading this but GIRL! He did not say that?! Ew. That’s first of all. Second of all, it’s amazing how many preconceived notions people have just based off looks or something on the exterior. Like I dated this hood guy who was vegan. Shocked the heck out of me and made me reconsider the way I thought about folks. Surface is beautiful but that interior is a whole different kind of beauty.
Patience Yemisi
Yes girl!!! I was outdone!!! And it shocked me because I had never personally had someone tell me that. I was laughing to myself at the audacity. Looks are just that. Looks. And they are forever changing. But like this case shows what comes out of your mouth truly shows what type of morals you have.