It has been very difficult to gather my thoughts about what is going on in the world right now. This won’t be long as it is too important of a time to ramble on. I have so many thoughts and have spent way too much time on social media the past week when I was supposed to be on a break. I want to use my platform to empower, support and push forward any causes I wholeheartedly stand behind. My reach is very short but that is not important. What is important is to use my voice in my own way to advocate for people.
The people in this case are black people. My people. Black men, women and children who for hundreds of years have been seen and treated as less than. The black people that are fighting for basic human rights day in and day out. The same people that will go to bat for anyone who they see being treated unfairly. All while being executed every day for merely existing while others turn a blind eye.
Enough is truly enough. We are tired. Angry. Upset. One thing about my people though is that we have a resilience that is unmatched. We get buried repeatedly but manage to dig ourselves out despite all odds. We will no longer accept being a hashtag only to be forgotten. The system is not broken but built and is operating just the way it was designed to. My black parents, sister, cousins, aunts and uncles matter. My beautiful black friends matter. I matter. This is only the beginning.

This really is only the beginning. ✊🏾
Patience Yemisi
Definitely just the beginning!
Denita E. Robinson
Yassss! Short, powerful and poignant. Always remember God said 2 or 3! It doesn’t take a huge audience (and really more read then you think, but don’t respond). I found that out myself recently! I digress. Thank you for using your platform to stand firm on what you value and matters! I stand with you.
Patience Yemisi
Thank you Mrs. Robinson for reminding me where 2 or 3 are gathered, that’s all we need. We are standing together!