Self Care September 2021
Hey ya’ll! It has been a minute. I have been diving back in here though and it feels good. I know that consistency is my biggest downfall here, but I honestly am just doing what I can when I can. I’ve gotten a second (more like sixth) wind so I am going to go with it. I popped back in for my first post of the year over the weekend. If you haven’t had the chance to read it you can catch it here. Can you even believe we are already in the ninth month of 2021?! The current state of the world seriously still feels like we are in some type of sick dream but we are all doing the best we can right?
With everything that happened last year, I don’t think any of us knew what to expect at the top of this one. Still being in a pandemic, most of us for the first time ever, we were all just in a constant state of “what the…” whatever your explicative of choice is (or isn’t.) Coming from being completely shut down for pretty much an entire year, I took this spring and summer to enjoy myself as much but as safely as possible.
I cannot complain about my spring/summer. I thank God that overall everyone close to me remained relatively healthy, even though there were scares. I had the opportunity to do a boudoir shoot in April. I celebrated my 32nd birthday in May. I got some much needed family and friend time in with an extended trip back home and a Texas visit from friends in late June/July. Finally to wrap up my summer, I took a trip to Cancun for a belated 21st birthday celebration for my sister. I truly have some great nuggets that I am taking with me into the fall as I get ready to hit the slow down button.
Before the slow time of the colder months are in full effect, I took some time to really be one with myself this past weekend. It was the last weekend of the month and pretty much the wrap up to the summer for me so I figured I would go out with a bang! I spent the entire weekend alone which isn’t out of the ordinary for me but I made it special. I started by getting dressed in my favorite dress that I purchased for the season (if you follow me on socials you have seen it a good three times now lol.) I even took the time to do my makeup, which has been a love of mine for a while but it is just not something I bother with much these days. I remembered how much I missed playing in it!
I went shopping for candles and new undergarments then went to have lunch. For a change of scenery I checked into The Nylo Hotel in Plano, TX. I have been wanting to stay here for a while and just never got around to it. It has that industrial loft feel. I absolutely loved it because I have lowkey always wanted to stay in a loft. This was only my second time staying in a hotel alone and honestly I gotta start doing it more. I don’t have to have someone with me or a special reason to stay, sometimes I just need an atmosphere change. It really does help to clear the mind. I do recommend if you can’t get on a plane, get a room for the night and treat yourself like you are on vacation. Finally I ended my day with a trip to Trader Joe’s, one of my favorite places to go find fun new things to try.
So here we are – with more of the year behind us than in front of us. It’s time to do inventory and check in with where we’re at so we can finish out this year strong! Self Care September is officially upon us! I have plans for sure and I look forward to sharing over the next few weeks. Fall is my favorite season, so with the change coming I look forward to having a nice refresh personally as well.
I am also excite to hear what your plans are as we round the corner to all the end of year things. Will you be joining Self Care September with me? What do you think you can add to your self care list this month to focus on? Let me know below!
P.S. Check out my tiktok from this past self care weekend. Yes I am a 30 something who is slightly obsessed with tiktok LOL!