Self Care September Recap
The month literally began and ended in a blink of an eye. Time just moves so quickly! It is the last day of the month already. The temperature here in Texas is trying its best to not let me get into full Fall mode but I will be thankful and take in the warmth. I am however ready to refresh my closet with some new Fall goodies. I am just going to pull out my favorite cool season candles and feel the vibes!
Going to keep this short and sweet. September was a recoup month for me and I’d say if was extremely successful. I’ll start with my No Spend September. I did it! I stuck to my goal of no eating out or spending money on clothing, makeup or random things. I bought gas, food/household items and paid my bills. That’s it. The only slipup I had was one random Starbucks run in the heat of frustration lol but we give ourselves grace for moments like that right? I didn’t even cheat for social activities, which made for quite a solo month mainly the house but it actually wasn’t bad at all. With the extra money from not spending on entertainment or personal wants, I was able to increase my savings for the month, which is something that I am trying to do better with.
Like I said, I was not out and about at all in September. I didn’t need to tempt myself with my usual trips to Target or Ulta every week lol. Although it was a quiet month socially, it was not boring. I enjoyed going to my dance classes and posting them in my stories to show my work. I wrote and posted here on my blog and tried to be active with my social media. I also did a lot of inner reflection and figuring out what I want to focus on for the rest of 2021. Overall, I had a productive, enjoyable start to my Fall season.
Over the next three months, I plan to maintain my personal level of productivity. Not stressing myself to go full force but keeping myself accountable to a couple things. I want to continue to grow my love for dancing. I have been pretty consistent on the blog front and want to keep that up. On home end, I want to refresh my apartment! I will be working to do some major reorganization of my living spaces and do a little revamping with décor. I am not one to change up things very often in my apartment because I have always been “waiting” for a house to do what I wish and my storage space is limited but I’m bored. I don’t want to wait! I don’t move places often because well…I hate moving and change honestly. I want to make a few updates that will refresh my place, the only apartment Ive stayed in since moving to Texas. Lastly I will be prepping for my holiday visits with family and friends and I am extremely excited about that.
With all that said, goodbye September! Hellllloooo October!
So how was your September? Did you take time out for self care? If so, what did you do? What are you most excited about or looking forward to in these last months of the year? Let me know down below!