Self Care September Week One: Baby Steps
The first week of September has come and gone. The older you get the faster time moves. I started last week ready to do some good work! Until the three day weekend ended…
Self Care September
A new month is officially upon us. It is always refreshing to start a new month no matter how bad or well the current one was. With the transition into the fall coming…
Things I’ve Learned in My First Months Blogging
As I step into my fourth month since the launch of this blog I wanted to take a little time to reflect on my thoughts around it. Three months granted is not a…
Beauty in My Trials and Tribulations
About 7 years ago during my brief stay in Gurnee, Illinois where I moved for a job I went through a very bad time. One night I laid in bed with tears in…
The Plague: 29, Single and No Kids
“So, what are you doing? What of your boyfriend? I thought that since you have gotten your degrees and at the age you are you would be planning for marriage. Aren’t you lonely?”…