Life & Love,  Personal Lifestyle

So You Wanna Be a Blogger?

I have had this idea for close to two years now. One day it just hit me “I’ll start a blog!” Yea it seemed like exactly what I needed at the time. What it boiled down to was I needed something to do. I was working at a job that I didn’t enjoy and pushing myself to continue with perusing my MBA while I contemplated quitting both every other day, and going back and forth in a situationship that was no good for me. I wanted something that I could channel my creativity into.

Granted not everyone is a creative however I do believe everyone can be creative in their own way. I’ve always had a love for writing poetry, stories and things of the like but as I grew up I let it slip away from me. So just like that I told myself I would blog.

So as I do I threw myself into research about blogging. I spent hours upon hours sitting at my desk at work (bad Patience) on Google and Pinterest getting tips, tricks and advice on this blogging thing. I simply started with “How to Start a Blog”, super general. But I wanted to start from step 1. There were many bloggers that I followed at the time. Mainly Plus Size Fashion Bloggers & Make Up Gurus. But I never thought about what went into it. I figure you write about what you love or have interest in. But one topic I kept landing on was “How to pick your blog niche” Basically what will your blog be about? What interests you? What are your passions? Who do you want your audience to be? And most importantly what sets you apart? I knew instantly what I wanted to write about: basically everything.

The past few years I’d taken a great interest in body positivity as this is something that was (and still is) a struggle for me. I have also become a self professed makeup addict although if you see me Monday through Friday you would beg to differ. Then there was my relationship experiences, or lack thereof, the life stages I’m in, family and much more. Then I thought, this isn’t anything different than what everyone is doing. Everyone blogs these days, what would make mine different? Would people even read it? But I was determined to do it even though I didn’t have the answers. Who would be the audience? I don’t know. Whats the overall theme – lifestyle? Fashion? Beauty? Don’t know that either. What makes you stand out. Couldn’t tell ya.

But soon the attractiveness of this new brain child started to dwindle. I threw myself into finishing school and making plans to make what would possibly be the biggest move of my life. The idea of starting a blog was pushed way back into the depths of my brain and so was my willingness to start. But I know it was my fear of failing that I let cripple me.

But today is the day I say what the hell, do it. I think when you are unsure about any and everything is the time to go for it. Do I know how to blog or even know how to post one? Nope. Will anyone read it? Maybe, maybe not. Am I a writer? Not but a long shot. Does any of that matter? Hell no. This is strictly for me. So if I may, let me introduce you to my personal/fashion/lifestyle/storytime/inspirational what ever I feel like writing blog The Plush Life. This is going to be a fun learning experience.Read it, enjoy it. Or don’t. But if you do I appreciate you and hope you get something out of it.


  • Ulonda Davis

    Patience I am so proud of you I knew it was something special about you when I met you in AI 🤦‍♀️, but we made it through besides being my TAURUS SISTER. Please follow your dream and believe it or not there are so many people that need that special word to read. We often think that we are the only one going through certain things in life but more than you think so many people have the same issues and it is refreshing to know you are not alone. Keep up the great work and remember I’m always cheering for you. Ulonda Davis #TAURUSFORLIFE.

    • Patience Yemisi

      Oh my goodness Mrs. Ulonda. You dont know how much this comment and your support mean to me. Im nervous about the response I will get, if any at all. But your kind words mean everything! Stay tuned as there will be more to come!

  • T. Scott

    “The Plush Life” huh? Well, after reading your post, I must say that, I AM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED TO READ MORE! Please don’t give up on this! I admire your drive, energy, and just you as the humble human being that you are. I can’t wait for you to share health, beauty and inspirational tips with your audience. I already have my front row seat, with my popcorn, just ready and waiting for the next one, and the next one after that! This is truly a God-given blessing for you to share with us as your audience! I will support you however I can and I am so proud of you! GO PATIENCE! #fearless!

  • Denita E Robinson

    You rock! You millennials are like the flower children-free spirited and focused. Thanks for sharing and being transparent. I’m not a social media fan, per se, but I do try to support young folks (meaning younger than me, but fully grown). Keep up the good work. You are only the 2nd blogger I follow.😁 👍🏾👍🏾

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