The Last of the Twenty Somethings: Do It Anyway
It is so crazy to me that in less than 2 weeks I can celebrate not only my birthday but it will also mark the year anniversary of my blogging “career”. I put it in parentheses because it is not much of a career (yet) but a hobby for me. Which is completely fine, I just like to make things sound fancier than they are lol. I have gotten so much out of having people really get a glimpse of me through my writing. Although I pushed through for an entire year, it was not an easy feat. Working full time, trying to get physically and spiritually fit, attempting to have a social life, getting enough rest and STILL attempting make the time to post has been rough!
Not going to lie – I was so close to just quitting at about six months or so in. I was really thinking “I am wasting my time.” I got extremely discouraged that I did not take off. Not saying that what I am doing is amazing here but I take pride in what I write so not seeing the growth that I really want has been difficult. Especially when I compare myself to people that are doing the same thing. Creating content is not easy either. It takes time and work, at least for me and I’m amateur. I dug deep this past year to get the content that I have and I am nowhere near what my goal was. The tech portion is not my forte at all, I just know how to write lol. The web hosting thing has been (and still is) a challenge. My site is not expertly curated with a beautiful layout.
I realized though that I have to let go of perfect and just do it anyway. I cant give up just because I haven’t reached my goal yet. I have to stop comparing my Part A to someone’s Part Z, even when I selfishly feel I should be at Part Z by now. I have to show myself grace where I typically show none at all. I have to take the time and be patient with myself which despite my name has never been a breeze for me. Sometimes you have to just let go of wanting everything to be so right and give yourself permission to just go for it.
Going into year two I want to expand way more when it comes to my blog and I don’t want to quit. I feel that my influence can be great, and I get a sense of accomplishment from this that I don’t get from anything currently in my life as much. I will be eventually be revamping my site (whenever I get around to it lol) so I can have the layout that I ultimately want. I want to do more visual work than I did in the first year. I have so many ideas for what I want to do and I want to see it all come to life.
Not only when it comes to my blog do I have to let go of perfect but in my life in general. I want to really just do the things. All the things in this new chapter of my life. Try all the things that keep me up at night wondering, the things that I research (google is bae) and the things that scare me. Not needing the okay from anyone or the perfect plan but just try. Do it all even when I don’t know how to or how it will end up for me.
I have had a few Do It Anyway moments in my life. Do they always work out? No, but why have the what ifs, why not just use the Do It Anyway moments to grow and learn. That is exactly what the moments that I was brave enough to go for have given me. It gives me the ability to know that no matter the outcome I will continue to be strong, continue to learn and move myself forward. Finally starting my blog when I had no clue what I was doing was a Do It Anyway moment and I am so proud that I did. I want way more of these moments. I want to take this time to see what makes my heart flutter and what I can do without. The circumstances don’t have to be perfect for you to explore things in your life. Right now I am open to the possibility of anything and when I am afraid or unsure I want to do it anyway. We need to do it even if it doesn’t turn out or results in reward. Do it because at some point or another it has or will bring you joy.

One Comment
Denita E. Robinson
Once again, job well done! Perfectionism is a bear. Pushing past our fears and reservations is more than a notion. Giving ourselves permission to not have met all goals YET, is a process in and of itself. Welcome to the world of perpetual growth and change lol. Thanks for sharing and continue to stay the course. As long as you find it rewarding and bless even one-know your labor is not in vain. Toodles!