Self Care September: Digging Deep
I’m not sure how BUT September is over! That could not have been a full four weeks. It flew by faster than a three day weekend! Either way my September was pretty good. I went quickly but I wanted to get at least one last Self Care September post out! Doing these check ins are effective on keeping myself (or getting myself back) on track. There were two other areas I wanted to explore during for self care. However I didn’t want to rush them because they are important and take effort. I want to go further with what I want to do and not restrict this to September. I will take my time the rest of the year to go on the journey with these two: reading and therapy.
Growing up I was an avid reader. You could catch me reading any and everywhere. This continued into my teens and my early twenties. Books, words, and literature have always been loves of mine. With school, work and honestly just being out right tired (sis is always tired!) it’s hard these days to carve out time to read for simple enjoyment. I have recently started to miss it!
I have had books help me get through some rough times, motivate me, bring back great memories or simply provide amazing entertainment. Something that gets me out of mindlessly watching television or scrolling through social media. Reading and mental health in go hand in hand in my opinion. Right now I am in a space where I want to get back into the act of unplugging when I feel it is needed and fueling my brain – not just when it’s required for advancement (i.e. degrees, certifications, licenses) – but just because it is good for the soul.
I was given a book from a coworker recently that I think would be a great read for a career focus. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman focuses on the author’s thought that there are factors much more important than IQ that play a part in someone being extremely successful or not. It sounds like a great motivator for pushing yourself to the next level. The second book in queue will be The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz which is definitely a popular read. I have heard about this book many times over the years, with my mother and one of my line sisters referencing it when playing personal therapist to me on one of my self loathing days lol.
Speaking of therapists, something that I think I can benefit from is trying therapy. Now I know therapy can be a controversial topic especially in the black community. I do believe that strengthening the relationship you have with God is crucial to evolving through your journey. However I also believe after hearing the testimonies of many people that therapy can be just another mechanism to which you are able to grow. I also believe that therapy may not be for everyone but you don’t know unless you try it out right? Well at least that is the approach that I am deciding to take.
I have said for many years that I would like to try therapy, but never went through with it. By the end of this year though I hope to have a therapist that I am comfortable with, or at least have tried a few to know what I don’t want. I don’t want to be in the same place mentally this time next, I want to forever continue to enlighten myself and I think this might just be the way to do it!
Alright guys, we have made it yet another month. Thank the Lord for it all. Now we are rolling right into October, and hopefully the mild temperatures will be rolling in as well. Three more months of 2019. Let’s make the most of it and set ourselves up for an even better 2020!
Oh! Before you go! If you ever leave comments please make sure to check the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.” I always respond back and would love for you all to see it if you haven’t been 🙂

Denita E. Robinson
Good Godly Morning! Love being on the journey with you. Emotional Intelligence book is very insightful. Our job required it several years back. The other book you referenced I’m not familiar with it, but sounds like I’ll be ordering and adding to my book reading list. I concur with you: reading for relaxation is good for the soul in so many ways! Finally, therapy-ahhhhhh, I have been there and done that. It works if you work it! I’m of the belief (a pearl of Godly wisdom): Revelation +Application= Transformation! I call it the RAT principle. Ok. I’ve talked enough. Be blessed!
Patience Yemisi
Good Afternoon!!! Always live hearing your insight from experience on these things. I am definitely looking forward to diving back into my love for reading for enjoyment! Love the R+A=T!! Amazing! Thanks for reading!
You are welcome!
Curls poppin’ in this photo chica! Love it!