Let me start by asking, how are you doing? Are you staying afloat? I cannot begin to explain emotionally how I am feeling with everything going on. Each day there is a new story, a new name turning into a hashtag. On top of that people are out in the world as if there is not still a pandemic happening. Whew, it’s a hot mess. That’s just simply put.
In the midst of everything however I managed to have a really good week last week. I got 5 workout days in and my water intake is continuing to increase (I can’t believe last year this time I was drinking at a MINIMUM one gallon per day. I’m getting there but…baby steps.) I was able to get out with some of my girls to honor Juneteenth and went walking in the park with a friend. My week was pretty packed with positivity, but on top of it all I received some very great news. Something that I have been praying over for quite some time.
It was pretty exciting. I found myself in a weird head space about it though. Why me and why now? Of course I was grateful and thankful but did I really get the answer I was hoping for all this time? So many questions were running through my head. I couldn’t even take it all in, didn’t take a beat to celebrate. I was too nervous that maybe it was a fluke. I’d been waiting so long that I didn’t really know how things would turn out. But I experienced last week really what in “God’s timing not mine” felt like. Not that I haven’t before, but this was different.
Then I started to think how silly I was being. It is silly of me not to celebrate the answer to my prayers. It is foolish not to allow myself to be happy and sit in my excitement. God doesn’t bless us for us to continue to walk around sulking, no! So I am taking some time to enjoy my good news and simply celebrate myself. I wanted to tell you to do the same. Celebrate something this week. It may be something large or small, but it is all worth celebrating. We are still alive and that alone is enough to celebrate. We must find something that is worth celebrating. Don’t have anything to celebrate personally? Find someone in your life that is worth celebrating or could use the encouragement. Let’s celebrate ourselves and the ones we love!
Do you have something that you are excited about and want to publicly celebrate? Or you know one close to you that is worth celebrating or needs to learn to celebrate themselves/their accomplishments? Share below or share this post with that someone!

Denita E. Robinson
Amen and agreed! With all the mayhem, merely celebrating life, living and a love for the Lord is good enough for me. Congrats on your answered prayer. Truly, God’s timing is perfect timing cuz He really does know what’s best. Sometimes, we just gotta play catch up to the fulfilled promises. Lol. Thanks for the reminder to encourage others and/or celebrate them. I’ll do that now by sharing your post! Duhhhh. I’m slow. I never noticed all those share buttons until you mentioned it today. So thank you for helping me increase my tech savviness! Toodles.
Patience Yemisi
Amen! And thank you for sharing!!
Ashley Lowe
Yes thank you…. With everything going I do find myself pulling up the news and reading alot of depressing/negative things. Although there’s alot of great effort for change and ongoing positivity. I do forget to sit back and be grateful for what I do have in my life and who continues to uplift me even when lol I don’t feel like. I’m grateful that I can laugh even over phone at the things that’s funny. Also to hold discussions on our struggles that were facing today.
Yes, I’m going to celebrate because your right…. It should just be on an occasional bases, it should daily.
Thank you
Patience Yemisi
So so true! We have to realize that every day, every moment, every accomplishment big or small is worth celebration. We have to celebrate ourselves and others as much as possible. It’s hard in difficult times to keep that at the forefront but we just try our best. Thank you for reading!