Receive. Expect. Believe.
My goodness. I was doing so well! I was on a roll and had so many blog ideas for October. But you know how life does – what it wants honestly. Mid October I went home to participate in a friends wedding as a bridesmaid and had an amazing time. I don’t think I will ever get over seeing my girls walk down the aisle into their future with the love of their life. It is simply one of the most beautiful sights to witness. What started off as a fun plan filled almost 3 week trip quickly took a turn when I got sick less within a week. Long story short I spent majority of my time home in the house feeling like I was ran over by a semi truck – including preplanned PTO days.
I was pretty down and out for the remainder of October and most of November. My cough is still lingering a month later but I am feeling so much better (thankful it was none of the big hitters!) Finally feeling like a human again however just like that its been almost two months since I have been able to take some time to write. It took so long for me to get my energy back just to return to my normal routine so I simply just could not find extra to get back here but now I am getting back up to speed.
It is the last month of 2022. Wow. Of course like we all say time just seems to speed up more and more every year. The days are shorter, the weather is cooler, and we are official in reflection mode. This isn’t a recap post but I just wanted to write this quick note.
Personally 2022 was just a steady year for me. There were no huge announcements or major changes for me. There were a couple losses that really hit me and it just seemed that there was a lot of communal heartache that we experienced together – but I cannot complain overall. But as any person when they don’t have a monumental year I have really start to question what really happened in my year and When I think about all the things that didn’t happen for me or I did not scratch off the goal list I honestly get discouraged.
This last week my Bible plans have been bringing up faith a lot and it couldn’t have come at a better time – right when I was in the middle of going into my “I just don’t think x,y,z will ever happen for me” mode. These three words have been stuck in my head and I have continued to repeat them all week long. Receive. Expect. Believe. All those words are directly tied to faith right? I am choosing to use this month not to dwell on what I did not do or get this year but to keep these words at the forefront of my mind – fresh for the new year.
I choose to receive whatever miraculous blessings God has in store for me. To be transparent rounding out the end of the year I really feel like putting a wall up in a lot of ways in my life but I can’t do that. I must be open to receive what is naturally mine and flowing to me. Although all the things haven’t made it to my doorstep yet I must be willing to receive it when they do.
I choose to expect the great things. I am not an optimist by nature, I can be super critical about everything, always questioning, always overthinking. I can choose to call mediocre thinking into my life OR I can train my mind to expect nothing but the absolute best and claim that it is meant for me.
I choose to believe what I don’t yet see or feel. This one here. There were times where my belief was pretty much non existent because of my circumstances and God graced me with a peace that truly surpassed my ability to understand. I want that assurance, that confidence that no matter how I am ending the year that there is greater in store for my 2023.
How are you spending the last month of 2022? Reflecting? Planning? How do you plan to receive, expect and believe in the new year?