Sweet Nothings
It’s another Sunday morning and again I feel my heart drawn here. I am navigating this return back to my little space on the internet and how I want my blog to represent me. I am working on getting my groove going again. Without the pressure of having things have to be a certain way, I just want to write about what I want.
That is why I started my version of a lifestyle blog in the first place. I didn’t figure out particular niche I was trying to reach. Although through all my research about blogging I found that I needed one if I wanted to be successful. I didn’t want to strictly talk about plus size fashion, makeup, life or relationships. I want my space to encompass it all. I am in the process of training my brain to not focus so much on a topic all the time but more so what I need to say right in the moment. I still however want to create really fun content and have structure to my site and will do that but sometimes I need to just let random things flow.
With that being said I am starting a new section of my blog called Sweet Nothings. Sweet nothings are usually terms of endearment exchanged between lovers or people who care for each other. This is where my free flow style of writing will be. Much like how I wrote last week, it will be little snippets of exactly what I am feeling right in the moment. Nuggets that I want to share and quite frankly keep all in a place I can come back to and reflect. Sometimes though my nothings will be difficult and deep but sweet nonetheless. That’s what makes life beautiful right? They will be precious ramblings from my thoughts to you. Little love letters to myself. To you as well if you need or want to receive it.
This week was trying for me. My emotions and thoughts overtook me as they do from time to time. Not even time to time if we really want to talk about it. More times than not. I am working through a lot at the moment. I really have been in the dumps. Sometimes that can be difficult to share with the people closest to you these feelings because even though they mean well when you try to explain and they try to help they just don’t understand sometimes. Heck I don’t understand myself at times. It can be hard to explain exactly how you are feeling to someone when you don’t quite get it yourself.
As most people are, I am extremely hard on myself. I have probably said the most horrible things to and about myself than anyone else has. It is something that I am not very proud of but it is a flaw that I have accepted about myself and fight daily to overcome. After doing much of that this week though I am due for a break. So starting my Sunday off on a good note I wanted to share this sweet nothing. Life is beating me up enough. I don’t need to jump in. I am enough just as I am, exactly where I am. With what I have and what I don’t have. I might not feel it right in this moment or even believe it as I type it but it is true. One day I will wake up and wonder why I spent so much time doubting that simple fact. I am enough. You are enough.

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Welcome back!
May the Lord open.