Body Positivity
Performance Pressure
For the first time ever I took an aerobics step class…and this was not the 80’s type of aerobics that you might be thinking: this is Xtreme Hip Hop aerobics. If you’re curious,…
Mood – Lizzo
Can we talk quickly about the entire mood that picture of me is? Young Patience (even just 10 or so years ago) never had the confidence stand in front of a camera in…
Self Care September: Dance Therapy
Ya’ll. We are moving right along through the month. Just as an update to my last post: No Spend September is going swimmingly. I have not spent any money outside of necessities and…
How to Celebrate This Valentine’s Day – for Those Who Will Be Valentine Less
Just wanted to pop in on the international day of love. Personally I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day whether in a relationship or single – and I’ve been single more years than not. I…
Bahama Mama – Picture Perfect
I am SO dragging out my posting on this vacation because it’s trying to get cold here in Texas and I am not here for it. The boots and coats have been…
Living Out Loud featuring Loudmouth Lip Attire
After my post about my love for lippies, a loyal reader mentioned a lip line that I would love, and like the makeup junkie that I am I went directly to the site.…
The Clothes I Started Wearing When I Stopped Caring
For the past 29 years I have been in this body, and for about 20 or so of those years I have been self conscious. Just like any human I continue to struggle,…