Self Care September: Dance Therapy
Ya’ll. We are moving right along through the month. Just as an update to my last post: No Spend September is going swimmingly. I have not spent any money outside of necessities and bills. I will be honest and say I’ve picked up a few extra snacks than I normally would during my grocery store runs since I haven’t been eating out, but that’s where my grace for myself is coming in lol. It seems like all of my favorite places to shop got the memo that I’m trying to keep a little money in my pocket so they ALL decided to have sales. I need to refresh my Fall wardrobe so it has been more than tempting but I’m staying strong. A couple more weeks to go and I’ll be able to treat myself a bit.
When the pandemic first started and we were sent to work from home I started doing dance classes on YouTube on my lunch breaks. This really worked for me because 1. I wasn’t able to really get out of the house to get any type of activity in 2. I didn’t want to leave the house more than absolutely necessary and 3. I was able to get my workout completed in the middle of the day and have my evenings to myself for other things. It worked perfectly. On top of that, about 4 months into quarantine I started a new job with a new company and the learning curve had sis STRESSED! I needed to find a way to release all of the emotions I was feeling from everything that was going on in the world and my life.
Carrying on with our Self Care September I have been trying to be more consistent with dancing. A few months back I searched for a cardio dance class in my area. I have always liked dancing. It is probably the top form of movement in my book and it can be a great workout. I am not the best dancer, especially choreographed but expressing myself through movement is fun. I have tried everything from line dancing to Zumba. My mom loves dancing and I definitely inherited it from her (thanks mama!) I found this company called Diva Dance. The company has franchises all across the country! I tried a free class in early June of this year and instantly fell in love. I signed up right away, but with it being right at the beginning of Summer I really wasn’t very consistent. I’m now starting to hit my groove and thoroughly enjoy it.
I wish I had searched sooner, it definitely would have made my transition to Texas years ago a little easier. Diva Dance is for everyone seriously. All dance levels and ages. The classes can be intense! I have pushed myself in ways I never have before, but I have always loved challenging myself to see what my body can do. On my own terms though. It is truly rewarding and the fun we have in class?! Everyone is cheering each other on and the classes are geared towards feeling yourself and being confident. It is a no judgement zone where you can play the lead in your own music video. There are offerings for everyone: hip hop, lyrical, pop. You even learn chair dances and can pull out the heels (I, however have not introduced heels into the equation yet because the way my clumsiness it set up?! I need a bit more practice LOL!)
Exercise for me has always been a daunting task. I wanted it to be something I craved, but it wasn’t. I was only doing it to be skinny. I have taken on a different approach to it as I’ve gotten older. I don’t have to go to a traditional gym. I don’t have to be a runner. I don’t want to do physical activity just to look good. Dance on and off through the last 5 or so years has contributed to me being successful with weight loss at one time or another, but it has done so much more than that. I have been able to find a stress reliever and a confidence booster. Now, fitness is something I want to incorporate into my life to feel healthier, stronger and happier. There are many things I use for self care and therapy for my soul. Writing as I have expressed is one of them. I would definitely say dancing is the #2 spot these days.
What is your favorite way to exercise and get those endorphins pumping? Let me know in the comments below!
If you like to dance like me, I’d highly reccomend checking out the Diva Dance website and seeing if there is a location in your city! If you try it out, let me know what you think! If you follow me on social media, check my stories from time to time to get a peak of me dancing!

Denita E. Robinson
Well you just inspired me to look into a dance class for exercise. I am not a fan of exercise, but recognize its value to my health. Dancing allows me to work out, raise my heart rate and have fun. Enjoy fall. Congrats on the new gig. You look fabulous.
Patience Yemisi
I absolutely love that I found a form of exercise that works for me! It feels great. I definitely recommend giving it a try. And thank you so much!