The Last of the Twenty Somethings: Guard My Heart
I deemed Proverbs 4:23 my guiding verse for my year “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”. I received it during a sermon that I listened to of Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church. When I heard this verse during the sermon it was everything that I needed at the time and something that I thought would be perfect to guide me into the new year.
I wear my heart on my sleeve with my emotions on full display. I have never been very good at guarding my heart – in friendships, with family, or in relationships. I can be so open in the relationships and friendships that I often get my feelings hurt along the way. I put a lot of energy into other people at times and might not get that energy reciprocated in the way that I need to be fulfilled. Guarding my heart means so much more than just having a wall up so I wont get hurt by other people though. Michael Todd talks about how we must check who and what is on the throne of our heart because that is truly what molds everything that we do and how we travel through life. Keeping God on the throne of my heart is what I am striving for. I cannot have any one person above that. Doing that and consulting Him with everything I feel I will be to decipher better how to navigate through all the relationships in my life. And really I need to be able to promote and demote according.
I have not mastered guarding my heart from myself and that is the most important many times. I need to learn how to guard my heart from fear of failure, comparison to others, and doubt. All of my hopes and dreams flow through my heart. I do myself no favors having them mixed with the negativity that I can create for myself. I need to strive to push through using unshakable faith, positivity and power. I want peace in my life and with the help of God there to ground me in guarding my heart through the storm and chaos I can have the peace I so desperately seek.
Denita E. Robinson
I know I said “amen” yesterday, so today I will simply add “Amen! Yes, you preach preacher.” LOL I operate from the same place, except my go to reminder Scripture (one of many), is: “He will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.” The other is the 911 for saints (Psalm 91:1): “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of theAlmighty!” Your post just prompted me to remember my operating life KISS principle: Keep It Simple and Spiritual. Thank you for sharing.
Patience Yemisi
Amen and amen again!!! Thank you for reading!